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— 09 December, 2020

What is earthing and does my pool need it?

Earthing, or grounding as it's also known, is the process by which the bonded pool components are connected to the earth. The goal of grounding is to direct and dissipate any harmful electrical current to the ground and away from pool.

Where electrical equipment such as a pool pump, is in contact with swimming pools, a hazardous voltage may appear if there is equipment failure. In a swimming pool, even a very low voltage and minor electric shock can present serious risks resulting in muscle spasms or potential drowning.


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To reduce the risk of electric shock in swimming pools, the AS/NZS3000 has very specific requirements for the electrical bonding of concrete steel reinforcing and other conductive metal parts located near a pool (within 1.25m). These conductive metal parts can be metal fencing and/or metal spigots or poles supporting non-metal fencing.

The installation of electrical bonding conductors is electrical work and may only be carried out by a suitably licensed electrician.

Every Plungie has precast ferrules throughout the pool shell that are connected directly to the steel reinforcement. The pool can be earthed directly from any of these through an earth cable back to the GPO for the pump equipment.


Plungie Australia


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